
Epoxy Domes As Applied To The Faces Of Lapel Pins

Hello Again Sports Fans! Here we are for yet another frugal episode exposing the dark furry underbelly of the lapel pin industry’s truths, myths, lies, and flat out full bore outright bald faced under the table lies….However…I digress…Today’s Subject? An old favorite, the “Stinking and Much Over Rated” Epoxy Domes that are placed onto the face of unsuspecting lapel pins, and is fed as a bag of goods to unknowing clients.. Oops, there I go, passing judgment ONCE again…err..——– Today’s Subject - Epoxy Domes (Suck).

Epoxy domes have been around a long time, almost as long as there have been Cecil B. DeMille films. I know this about epoxy domes because there are a bunch of yellowed and cracked ones sitting on my desk. No. Not all of them on my desk are lapel pins that PinFanatic has produced. Smart Guy. Lets just call these particular pins—Old, faded, cracked, bad decisions made by someone else who is not me (et al) (as per). Here is the straight poop-

The Good:

Epoxy domes begin their lives as a clear epoxy (duh) coating in this instance, applied to the face of an innocent lapel pin. It protects the pin face from getting scratched or peeling off, and seals the pin face. Kinda’ reminds me of a campaign promise on a crooked road delivered with a smile a handshake, and a wink.

The Bad:

Epoxy domes take a wrong turn over time. Sure they start out perfectly clear, it is just that time, and light, are not its friends. They are also known to frequent bars and stir up trouble after 5-6 “Cold Ones”. As the epoxy begins to age, it yellows and cracks (See insert image) despite the claims of others, who claim otherwise, and are usually known as the “Claimant”. Epoxy domes add an extra day to production, dull the colors, darken the pin face, and cause visual distortions of the image along the edge of the pin.

Note: Again see inserted image-the epoxy dome curves back into the pin face and its this curvature that makes the images appear distorted along the lapel pin faces’ edge.

The Ugly:

You probably never knew any of this until you read this article. While most lapel pin companies gleefully offer the epoxy dome, and tout its attributes, most clients are never told the other side of the coin. They discover it, as our client at the top of the page here did, three to four years down the road.

Probably the worst abomination of all is when Copper or Iron Soft Enamel pins are coated with an epoxy dome and sold as “Cloisonné” or “Soft Enamel Cloisonné”. The customer pays the premium price, is sold a bag of goods, and the lapel pin company makes a big increase in profit on the bottom line. Sound fair to you?

The Bottom Line:

In a nutshell…Epoxy Domes Suck


Heard a rumble out of China that they are working on a non-yellowing epoxy dome. That same encoded message also made reference to the return of Bigfoot and Godzilla. I will believe it…when I SEE it….gotta run—–off to Loch Ness…

