
Using Custom Lapel Pins to Support Your Fall Football Sports Team Organization at Your School

Do you have a football team in your school? If so, have you ever thought of lapel pins as a way to help raise funds for much needed sports equipment or to help cover the cost of transportation to away games?  If you haven't, now is the time to start thinking about fundraisers.  Custom lapel pins are great for this purpose.  In fact, we create custom lapel pins for schools year round because they go over so well.

Do you have a football team in your school? If so, have you ever thought of lapel pins as a way to help raise funds for much needed sports equipment or to help cover the cost of transportation to away games?  If you haven't, now is the time to start thinking about fundraisers.  Custom lapel pins are great for this purpose.  In fact, we create custom lapel pins for schools year round because they go over so well.

Here are some add-ons that help football trading pins stand out:

Glitter (added to paint)
Spinners (spinning pieces)
Blinkies (blinking lights)
Danglers (dangling charms)
Cut Outs (areas where no metal is present)
As always, custom sizes and shapes also help accentuate a football pin's design.  The more desirable the trading pins appear the faster they will be sold and traded.  This helps you reach your goals as a team.  If people notice other players and spectators wearing the pins, they'll want to have a few of their own as well. 

