Designing Lapel Pins For Awesomeness
Don’t settle for plain when designing lapel pins, make an AWESOME lapel pin! The Pin People has designed tens of thousands of lapel pins and there have been some of them that have really stood out because of advanced techniques and little thinking outside the box when it comes to lapel pin design.
There are many various techniques and different processes that can be used in order to great an awesome lapel pin. we will use a few examples of ways to think outside of the box when it comes to designing lapel pins.
Here are two design for awareness ribbon pins:
This design is using a simple Epola or Hard Enamel lapel pin style process. It is a very simple and straight forward process. There is a cutout, which is the piercing or whole in the middle of the lapel pin. It also is cut to shape of an awareness ribbon. The colors are separated by thin metal lines . It is a very beautiful simple design, however there are a few things that could be done to really make the awareness ribbon design “pop’!
Designing Lapel Pins – Metal Meets PVC
There are other processes that really allow a pin to be brought to the next level. In this design you actually see the skate pop out in a 3D PVC element. Well, I think that is awesome! It definitely separates this ice skating pin from 99% of the other ice skating lapel pins out there. This is another way to think outside of the box. Different elements can be combined to create lapel pin awesomeness (ok, not sure if awesomeness is a true word, but we are going to use it!).
I often stop people on the street that are wearing lapel pins and say, “Can I see your lapel pin”. They are usually taken back by that, but when I explain that I am a lapel pin designer, they usually start to ask me questions about their pin.
Our Experts Can Help You With Designing Lapel Pins
Don’t let the design process scare you. It should be fun and exciting. The more you learn about lapel pins the more you appreciate them when you see them worn by different people.
The Pin People has a fully trained staff of “PIN”gineers that can help you make your pin truly awesome! Designing lapel pins are their specialties, so let them help you with your original concept to turn a great pin into a truly awesome lapel pin!